Friday, April 23, 2010

What Earth Day means to me!

Earth Day........well we all know this can be quit the controversial topic if you allow it to be. Sure we should all be conserned about our affect on the world and the footprint we will be leaving behind. But should we have to have a special day to be concerned about this? And more over should we only be conserned about this on this certain day? Well to let you all in a little secert about me up until 11 years ago I wasn't even really aware that the day existed nor did I care that it did. And to this day I haven't changed what I do for the earth on this day. But 11 years ago my life changed forever when my baby sister was killed in a car wreck on "Earth Day"! So for me Earth Day will always be the anniversary of her death and the start of my broken heart. Yes I will say that I do try to make the world a better place now, but I do it in honor of her. So I hope that each and every one of us can honestly say that we have a real reason to make the world a better place and not just a date on the calander that for one day we try to change the world for that day. I'm now more careful about the litter I leave laying around, the chemicals I use in my home, and I am especially careful about what I allow my friends and famliy to use on their skin which I will explain in a later post. So for today I will sign off and let you all think on this for a while. God Bless til we chat again.

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