Monday, May 3, 2010


Have you ever held a secret for so long that it became very hard to confess that the secret was not the truth? Perhaps you have even began to convenience yourself that it is the truth. Well that is is the point I had reached up until a few days ago when it came to my state of grief and how it was or was not effecting my life. I had tried to pro trait an image of self control to the outside world that I was doing fine and that Gregg and the children were also doing fine. Our lives had returned pretty much to normal and our business lives had definitely returned to normal. Well it was all a lie. So sorry to say that is my confession. I have been lying to my friends and community to for the past 11 months and it has become so easy to do that now admitting that I don't have my life under control is actually hard to do.

However, it took the wake up call of almost losing my position at Jordan Essentials and my down line to make me realize that I have been living in a false bubble for a long time and that I can not continue to do this. I must break out of this bubble and start being honest so that I can begin to live a healthy life again. So what I have been admitting to my friends and customers is that I have not worked my business for the past 10 months and that I need their help to rebuild my business. They can help me do this by one of the following options.........They can order product, book a show, or recommend me to a friend. And do you want to know what the wonderful part about all of this is ? Almost everyone has been willing to help me dig my way out of my slump and get restarted. So I would like to give a big shout out of THANK YOU!!! to all my friends for caring so much about me and my mental health. You mean the world to me. I appreciate your not letting me down in my time of need and I want you to know if you are every in a similar position I to will be there for you. God Bless and I love each and every one of you! If you choose to help me

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